
Coming Up
Hello and Good Afternoon,

Please use the following schedule for the 4th Sunday (TFOT) Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society lessons for the next 6 months.  Each of the talks on which the lessons should be based are from the October 2014 General Conference:

January 2015--"Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children", Elder Ted R. Callister
February 2015--"Lord, Is It I?, President Deiter F. Uchtdorf
March 2015--"Sustaining the Prophets", Elder Russell M. Nelson
April 2015--"Guided Safely Home", President Thomas S. Monson

Warmest Regards and Love,

Bishop Hess

Social media gives us a way to share simple messages of goodness and truth.

Your voice, your life
Add a raindrop of goodness
Go post with #ShareGoodness
Questions to Get You Thinking
What simple truths are you grateful for?
What happy moments did you have during a hard day?
What did someone do for you today?
Some Ideas to Get You Started
It is good to know that there is always hope in my life.
#BecauseOfHim #ShareGoodness
Saw someone stop and help a stranger with groceries today.
#ICanDoMore #LoveAndServe #ShareGoodness
Got home in time for grilled cheese with kids.
#LoveIsAllYouNeed #ShareGoodness

How often should I post?
Sharing a raindrop of goodness does not mean you personally need to flood the earth. Your raindrop of shared goodness combined with everyone else’s will create that flood. You should never try to be that flood by yourself through massive amounts of communication. You will be exhausted and others will be annoyed. Better to be a welcome bit of sunshine than a blazing desert furnace.
How is communicating on social media different?
Social media is not a place you want to be perceived as being preachy or trying to “sell” something. It is like being inside someone’s personal space or home. If you annoy them or make them uncomfortable, they will remove you. They are more likely to be open to authentic, genuine thoughts and inspiration. Try to communicate in real, simple, and short ways. A picture with a word or two or a #(hashtag) can be enough. Think before you post. Part of this idea is to change the existing conversation out there into a more positive conversation. Show your goodness as you share your goodness, while being respectful of those you know well and those you don’t. The Golden Rule works well with social media too.
How can I use social media to share goodness?
Every time you post simple, genuine messages and links, you help lift and strengthen those who see them. Counter negative posts with positive ones. If a friend is down, say something to cheer them up. Post links to articles and videos that reflect your values. Highlight the good in every situation. Speak from the heart. Be yourself.
What if I don't know how to use social media?
Social media is user-friendly. Go to the Media Library or visit the web pages of the major social media sites to learn more.
How can social media help me serve in my calling?
Learn how to use social media as a tool in Church callings by going here:

The Lord Provides Technology to Accomplish His Purposes
The divine purpose of technology is to hasten the work of salvation. As members of the choice generation, you understand technology. Use it to accelerate your progress toward perfection. Because you have been given much, you too must give (see “Because I Have Been Given Much,” Hymns, no. 219). The Lord expects you to use these great tools to take His work to the next level, to share the gospel in ways that are beyond my generation’s wildest imagination. Where generations past influenced their neighbors and their town, you have the power through the Internet and social media to reach beyond borders and influence the whole world.

Pres Faust
We stand on the brink of the next century. From this vantage point, we need to remember that the most significant events in the last 2,000 years were not the marvels of science, technology, and travel. They were the Savior’s Atonement and the restoration of the gospel, with the priesthood keys and authority. These two singular events will continue to be of transcendent importance to mankind as we move forward in time. The past, present, and future pivot on these marvelous divine interventions.
Here is a listing of church websites that can be used for much good in your life. : Research conference talks, read the latest news of the Church, and connect to many other Church resources, such as Church manuals and magazines.  Refer your neighbors, family, and friends to this site designed for those who want to learn more about the Church. The site explains our basic gospel beliefs, including the nature of God, eternal families, and the plan of salvation.

• Read testimonies of the apostles and prophets about the Savior Jesus Christ.

• Find your favorite articles from the Ensign as well as Web extras such as photo galleries and activities for children.

• Watch, read, and share inspiring messages and stories for youth from Church leaders and others. Learn about self-reliance topics such as food storage, employment, and Church humanitarian efforts.
: Search for jobs, find information about schools, connect with job seekers, and learn how to help those in your ward or branch who are looking for employment. compilation job search site Watch short audiovisual presentations about gospel principles. YouTube: Mormon Messages and MormonNewEraMessages are official channels of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that feature short video clips that teach gospel principles, based on New Era MormonAds. You can subscribe to the channel and receive email updates when new videos are added.

• View information about and pictures of temples around the world.

• Research your family line, and submit information about your ancestors. Prepare names for temple work.View high quality images of the original census records (Go to, then click Search Records, then click Record Search pilot).

mobile device app called BillionGraves, which combines GPS location data with the pictures users take of gravestones.The app, which is available free of charge on Google Android and Apple iOS devices, enables volunteers to upload photos of headstones they take with their phones to an online database, where they are mapped, transcribed, and linked to FamilySearch. Volunteer to help digitize and index Church family history resource records. Patterns in FamilyTree Collateral Lines. Familysearch certified.
: hosted by FamilySearch, is the largest global family history event in the world!

• Many countries have their own Church Web site. For example, on Denmark’s site you can watch videos showing the Copenhagen Denmark Temple. On the Argentina/Uruguay/Paraguay site, members can sign up to receive inspirational quotes from Church leaders through e-mail. On Korea’s site you can watch several Church films. Other countries’ sites have similar features.

• Each language has a list of the translated material available on Most sites offer general conference talks and manuals online. Some offer additional resources.

• Download gospel art images, Church history pictures, photos of temples, and more.  provides help for families, caregivers, leaders, teachers, and friends.information is in one place and much more accessible.”

• Find Braille texts in English and Spanish; they are downloadable and printable.

• Listen to and print hymns and other music. connects members and friends of the LDS Church with volunteer service opportunities online. This is different from other service opportunities.

Twitter provides an instant communications:

LDSNewsroom (
FamilySearch News (
Friend Magazine (
LDS General Conference (
Mormon Channel (
Mormon Messages (
LDS Tech (
Many Twitter users use the keywords #lds and #mormon to flag tweets about the Church and #ldsconf when following LDS General Conference #ldsFace2face

Social media page links...Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram..the church uses all of these.

Audio books

Download a video to show without using Internet

Blogging resources:
images that can be used in media, by bloggers, news articles, or anyone else that needs images to describe the Church or illustrate stories about members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are available on the church website.

RS ridgefield blog

General conference talks. CES devotionals

how to journal

Articles that would be good to read.

The Choice Generation by Randall L.Ridd May 2014 Ensign

 a Google YouTube Twitter Face book  iEverything World. by Jan Pinborough, Feb. 2012 ensign

The Pathway Program, BYU-Idaho—Online Education September 2014

Want to begin or restart your path to a college degree? The BYU-I Pathway may be the right fit for you! There will be a stake fireside for ALL members, ages 18 and above, who are interested in learning how  the Pathway Program can help you obtain a college degree through BYU-Idaho while doing your studies at home. Mark this date: June 1st 7:00 PM at the Vancouver Stake Center. Go online at to learn more and call Elder and Sister Hass at 360-953-8750.

Upcoming Preservation Generation classes:

September will encompass all about apples. 

Addiction group meetings Wednesdays at Vancouver west stake building. PASG 6pm.  ARP 7pm.  Info call Bryon Christensen 798.6747 or Zelma Christensen 798.5365